Want to enter a bikini contest this summer and win? Here are some tips:

It is not the most attractive body that wins
You do not need to have gigantic breasts or ass cheeks made of steel. But you must show that you love your body and you are confident in showing it off.

Have fun
Bikini contests are supposed to be fun, if the audience see you and see a person who would prefer to be somewhere else you are hopeless.

Smile and show teeth
You are having fun, remember?

High heels
Walking on high heels gives you a better posture and your legs and body will look better, but make sure you can walk on those heels! If not it will only look stupid.

A dark tan
A well tanned body show off your features in a better way and hides spots and bruises.

Flirt with the audience
Say hello to them and throw them some kisses to encourage some positive responses. It is well appreciated.