One More Tequila for the Road

"One More Tequila for the Road" is the project title of Don Domath´s new book. Don is an ex-bartender who practised his trade in clubs and bars in Ibiza and Magaluf, Spain. Samples and small chapters from his book will be published on while he is searching for a publisher.

    Stupid men continue to outperform their smarter brothers in the meat market.
    Don Domath is back again to set the record straight.

    My wife ain't no supermodel.

    Do you party too much & too hard?

    These one liners are guaranteed to make her scream. But unfortunelately not for the right reasons. I have tried 1 of them myself, the others were told to me when I worked as a Bartender in Ibiza and Magaluf.

    Too many times I have seen men throw away their money by buying drinks and cocktails to women who have no intention either go home with them or talk with them! Take some advice from a ex-bartender with these simple tips.

    Too cool for school? Here's 7 ways to show off just how great you are.

    I worked in various bars and nightclubs in Magaluf and